Thursday, November 4, 2010

Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, DO!!

They paved paradise and put up a parking lot
With a pink hotel, a boutique, and a swingin' hot spot
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot

They took all the trees, and put 'em in a tree museum
And they charged the people a dollar and a half to see them
No, no, no
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone
They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot
-Counting Crows, Big Yellow Taxi

I love this song. A lot. However, it seems that I haven't listened to it for quite some time and I have forgotten the lesson to be learned. *big, deep, dramatic sigh* Go figure.

I've had a vacation from my problems and I most certainly did not appreciate it. And now, now my vacation is over for a period of time. (hahahaha. pun.) I need to spend more of my time and effort on being grateful and focusing on the positive things in life. I think everyone could stand to be a little more grateful for the things they've been given.

I have resolved to do this. You should consider it also.

Here are just a few things that I am grateful for: Autumn and everything associated with it (this includes, but is not limited to: the changing of the leaves on the trees, the crisp chill in the air, Halloween, and Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the corner.), my family, my very dear friends whom I don't know what I would do without, the ceaseless opportunities there are for learning and growing, books, music (especially michael), technology, warm sweaters, indoor heating, ice cream, laughter, doctors (but only sometimes), facebook, hats, the scriptures, victoria's secret, shoes, c.s. lewis, intelligent people, sarcasm, bath and body works, fingernail polish, eirdach, popsicles (dreyer's fruit pops ONLY. preferably strawberry, tangerine or lemonade.), zombie runs, cell phones and a whole bunch of other stuff that I can't think of right now.

I think that's a good sized starter list.

I went to my auto class today. My oh my, I love it. I LOVE IT! First of all, my teacher is great. He's kind of an old dude, and there is one other girl in my class with me and then a bunch of guys. Teacher is just the greatest. He asks questions, makes fun of the girls for not knowing everything, and then answers any and all questions that either any of us have with what seems like a never-ending supply of patience. I talked to him today about a problem I was am having with my car and he told me to just bring it in to class next week and we'll take a look at it. He is just great! He asks people in the class what they want to learn and that's what we talk about. I haven't ever had a teacher that did that and it's fantastic. Gotta love a teacher who actually utilizes the input that he gets from his students.

I love learning about cars, what makes them go, why certain things happen, and how things under the hood work. I'm so stoked for next week; we're bringing in a bunch of cars (mine included) to run diagnostics on them. We're gonna get down and dirty. I can't wait.

When good things happen, it makes the bad things seem like such a small, insignificant part of life and everything is right in the world once again. As it should be.

I love days like today.

(Dang it. Now I'm craving popsicles....)


  1. oh hey!! I am now officially following your blog :) yay! maybe you could follow mine too? I love you!

  2. You know that the song was originally by Joni Mitchell, right? ;)
