Friday, November 12, 2010

....the cereal, the game, the real thing.... just go

So I stopped by my friend's apartment tonight after work, and had a much needed conversation with her. I am so very blessed to have such amazing people in my life that I look up to. I am very fortunate.

My family wondered where I was so I got a few calls and texts from them during said conversation. As I leave the apartment and start walking to my car, I look at the texts and start talking to them (its a weird habit of mine. yes, I talk to my texts. no, I can't help it). Meanwhile, as I'm staring at my phone, I basically just about walk into this girl who looks at me like I'm totally insane. I don't really blame her though. I mean, who just talks to their phone? That's odd.

Also, I got another job today. AAHHH! Sorry for yelling, but I'm really, really excited. Life is fabulous once again.

Plus I bought a new sweater today (it's warm and soft and is a gorgeous color), so really, it just doesn't get any better than this.

My life is so great, it should be a movie. Please, someone make my life into a movie. It would win many, many awards. Ha. Most Ridiculous, here we come; my life and I.

Go, life, go.

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